Our Story…

It all began for founder Brad Tiernan with an innocent love for craft beer; the search for yet another up-and-coming brewery to visit, the yearning to try new and exciting flavors and styles of brew, and the tingle of excitement when the beer sampler was set on the table…  That love for beer eventually culminated in an obsession to learn more about the behind-the-scenes action that led to that perfect sip of bubbly goodness.  After receiving his first “beer kit” as a Christmas gift, he began the journey to branch out and create his own signature recipes and style of brewing.  

Trial and error that began in his garage eventually garnered interest from local establishments requesting he put his product on tap.  This led him to seek out breweries that would allow him to use their facility and try his recipes on a larger scale. 

The concept for Draught Horse Brewery was born out of Brad’s love for the easy-going pace of the country life, the home-town appeal of the breweries he visited Up North, his desire to share a great brew with friends, and an appreciation for the welcoming feel of the local community.  Whether by horse, by bicycle, by car, by foot, or by motorcycle, Draught Horse Brewery offers the South Lyon community a place to gather and relax, and bond over a beer brewed from the heart.